One of the things I cook weekly is smash burgers. We alternate between ground and ground pork. This week was ground pork. I little bit of prep makes this an easy meal to complete. We typically eat them with grilled onion, and mushrooms. I am also a big fan of the toasting the buns on the Blackstone griddle. I cold smoke my own cheese in bulk and used some on these burgers. It was a white cheddar.

I started with 1lb of ground pork purchased from Aldi. I divided into 6 portions. The portions are rolled into loosely compacted balls. Before placing them on the grill, I drop a small pat of butter and cook for a couple of minutes. I seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. After a couple of minutes I smash them. This is easy accomplished with a folder up piece of wax paper. Once smashed I wait for them too cook to a nice crust on the bottom before flipping.

Once flipped I add the cheese and by the time the cheese melts, the bottom will be completed.

The burgers turn out great, with crispy burger and buns, and smoked cheese and onions and mushrooms ensure the taste of the burger. I top the burger with barbeque sauce.